Monday, May 30, 2022

White People - Look At What You Have Done To This World

Following along from: A Letter to White Men...

Call this ' A Letter to White People '.

TLDR(Numb) = You continuing being you (as you have been) is bad for everybody in the world. Imagine and manifest the real strength of 'white power'. One that serves to heal the world instead of ruin it.

Are you awake? Or is 'wokeness' something you hate. It looks like you're sleeping, at least in terms of lights.

Your level of denial and/or ignorance should be reserved for prisoners with sensory defects. Individuals locked in an unbearable state who do not want to open their eyes for fear of what might be seen. But are you that? In reality, historically, the entire world follows your lead. This is not because of some kind of inherent supremacy but, instead, the legacy of economic and cultural imperialism. 

Some may convincingly argue that your historical legacy is rooted in disrespect for the environment, caused by unwelcoming climates. If you like, that is what made 'whiteness'; cold and wet terrain.

Must you be reminded that for centuries, and fairly recently, the group whose membership you hold so dear were hatefully sneaking and/or crusading around the world stealing from and ruining peoples, lands and histories. This is the exact behaviour you would claim to abhor so much today.You should only be welcome in Hell - nowhere else - if you envy such crusades as you often do. You must certainly be against theft, torture, rape, violence and ruin - or you are a true POS. So, don't pick a side just yet. Times change, people do too. Can we be better?

As it appears, the 'white' or European way is this: When you have something to hate, instead of implementing a remedy in-place, you migrate. Running away - both on foot and in brain.

Unless a remedy or abundant benefit is promised and available, it is always objectively 'bad' to cause damage. Would you agree? Will you and yours ever attempt to implement any fixes at your own behest? It's okay to moan about something but only if you are doing something about it. The one who complains but has no intention for the solutions is actually enabling and condoning. The one who cries in prison runs tears into their own eyes.

Are you a liar? There's no right answer. Say 'yes'. So, how could you stand against nature and harmony in your way of living? 

The world only seems to be getting into more disarray. Every organization that tries to do something to help make things fairer is opposed by your mainstream media and then, subsequently, you. Why is 'FairTrade' produce cheaper than non-'FairTrade' produce?.. Whatever that sentence means. It makes no sense, thanks

Think back to what happened to the Black Lives Matter movement - that should have been called 'Black Lives Don't Matter Movement' to deter resistance and possibly change the world - or receive no media coverage. It got replaced by 'animal lives matter' and 'all lives matter'. What happens to Free Energy, Public Sector Strikes or any kind of Freedom Convoy? It was only ever your voices that were heard. 

You stand in opposition - even if only in the acceptance of the opposition. Why is that? Essentially, because you have less trouble with conformity than the othered.

Our shared reality is that, as humans generally do, you and yours have no intentions to sacrifice or compromise for anything but personal gain. Surely, you can see how your life is comparatively benefited by your 'race'. Imagine the typical response to the proposition of giving away half of your possessions to make someone else happy. Sounds like war, I know. But, really, it only 'feels' like it would be half. Realistically, any requested changes to the current structures in our reality would largely be negligible to you - ignored as practically everything else important is.

You have endorsed and promoted this ideology of self service that adversely serves to deny so much benevolence. Imagine if the concept of 'benevolence' was a part of legislations. How many things would have to be different in each legal system? You, as a collective, can take responsibility for the nonexistence of that.

I see that your demographic, due to the internet's enhanced discussions, are allowing Neo-Nazi sentiment to grow. You can unite, we see. But please don't do it for that.

The current political, social, educational, liberal and economic climates are unequivocally tailored more for you than Gooklesh Sikar over there. Our global economic system is quantifiably biased towards your countries. This is not something to be proud of, it should be disgusting to you.

A dynamic is presented by which the holders of power appear oblivious to it. We, the unfortunate folk on the other side, are left to wonder if 'whites' would even lose anything from making beneficial changes for 'minorities' such as Affirmative Action \ Proportionate Representation \ Representative Utilisation, Critical Race Theory, Reparations, Equity and Global Trade Tariff Balancing.

We are all told to hate all of these things. The irony is that all of these things can be packaged or designed in such a way that they would actually be nice for you as an individual. Don't be scared. When you enforce (read: actively create) a society within which speaking truth is loathsome and 'hateful' there is no room for equality, self defence and the assurance of justice.. Literally. Thanks again.

Anything that is presented by the mainstream communicators (news broadcasts, popular publishing, celebrities, 'pop culture' elements) supports your 'racial identity' and is unable to be opposed in regular social contexts. Wrong or right, helpful or unhelpful, it cannot be argued with. Your people, as the current leaders of globalist societies, direct the course of the world. You blame the elites, but the WEF, IMF and UN are led by 'whites'.

You are like the emperor, adorned in glorious clothes, who thinks and says that they are naked - accompanied by naked people who you think are actually wearing clothes which you want.

You damn the sharing of ill-gotten gains, claiming that their theft has benefits and is somehow righteous. With fervour for not recognising your privilege and advantages, you propose your own struggles as more important than those which you directly or indirectly create.

You stand by (and, when confronted, you sound like) your governments, in the knowledge that they are deceptive and disgusting. Nothing forces you to revolt - except immigration from 'brown' folk. If ever any 'minority' demographic would stand against the government, you would not provide support to them - turning towards racialisation instead. That is why music is so important: it spreads messages across cultural boundaries in a much less crippled and 'corrected' way than other forms of media.

You teach a conforming 'black' woman that she looks good with straight hair or a straight-haired wig on - both of which practices cause irreversible damage to the natural hair. Then, you treat a 'black' woman with her natural hair as alien, scary, wild or messy. The more beautiful it is, the more fearsome it is. You treat these people and their interactions in a wildly different way than you would treat a 'white' girl or woman - as the demographic at the opposite extreme. 

Think of it like a scale representing niceness, allowance and consideration, with 'white girls' at the top and 'black men' at the bottom near empty. You, whenever any problem is presented, manifest this code of conduct.

You, hopefully only subconsciously, make it so that a 'black' person's pride is intimidating, confidence is arrogance, tiredness is inebriation, assertion is rudeness, objections are threatening, security is unnecessary, family is disadvantaged and hope is largely delusion.

You force the dissolving of community by focusing on allowing industry to lead community progressions. In the cities, your demographic incites no annual 'carnivals' or celebrations for the representation of community unity and equality. In your mostly homogeneous towns, you actively maintain a strong sense of community and regularly hold functions for 'getting together'.

You oppose complaints about clear discrimination and shows of anti-diversity - mindlessly. Misinformed, you argue against proportionate representation (read: affirmative action) and reparations - somehow. From the perspectives of 'others', this dynamic often makes you sleeping at night a literal conundrum.

You lionise fantasy over the real world, culturally promoting it as more worthy of interest. This attitude furthers the efforts to neglect, misuse and destroy Earth and its surface.

You cradle the cultures of 'rock', 'heavy metal' and 'indie' noise music, commonly accompanied by demonic and murderous imagery and sentiment. You normalise such concepts literally as accidental devil worshippers. Often, you prefer to listen to music with no actual words - just noise. Observing pragmatically, this is generally in preference to musical productions with progressive ideas, positive energy, superior skill and 'soul'. Not to make any connotations of intended genre. The aforementioned concepts may be considered distasteful by you and yours.

You parade around your schoolgirls taught to wear short and revealing skirts to reinforce their sexualisation. I wonder when this practice started and who it was started by. The practice ends as soon as they learn about modesty, which somehow happens later in their lives.

Your cultural discourse, full of poison and pilfering, makes it so that there is a 'beauty war' ongoing; a practice of 'white' women parading their bodies in specific ways to combat whatever beauty traits other demographics have at their disposal. How else can you describe the popularization of wearing yoga pants as casual clothing?

You tell your boys to fear 'black' males despite the 'black' males having the centuries-spanning precedent of being subjected to violence by 'white' boys. Yes, 'white guilt' makes perfect sense to everyone who is not racist. You confuse individual anger and pessimism with inherent fearsomeness. In interactions with 'colored folk', a near perennial expectation of threat shared between both sides results in the offensively overblown reactions found on both sides. Understanding these dynamics is key to progress.

You neglect your advantages, unable to see your concessions and comparatively broad freedoms. While unapologetically 'othering' other races and cultures, you live as though 'whiteness' does not exist. When everyone else is like "look at these liars". You know that, but cannot understand why, the concept of 'whiteness' is one of the most important things to everyone.

You, as an individual, consistently revert back to your only defence. "I'm just me". Imagine the response a Nazi or Taliban member would get from this sentiment. You are a member of the group which, due to its historic abstinence from diplomacy, is responsible for the world being such a mess. We know that every one of you has either racism or a racist in your family circle. Do you hope to one day not see racism?

Consistently, you propose the nonsensical as the only way forward. You claim to not see 'color' but cannot claim to not see 'race'.

You, sharing this with Asians, effectively use people of other colours as observation and test subjects, informing you about humanity and its struggles while serving to maintain other conditions for yourselves. Considering power of will for individuals within societies in the western world, there is no way to argue away the advantages inherent in being a specific race - albeit benefits that can be removed by other things. These things (societal advantages, inheritance, precedent, support systems and stereotypical expectations) really are as fragile as our egos.

You gentrify with glee. However that works. You live in diverse communities with disdain and misery, visibly saddened by the comparatively poor living standards. You spread this reasonable dissatisfaction outwards to the community by crossing over roads, not being talkative, clenching possessions, looking behind your shoulders and sometimes even closing your eyes when faced with a 'colored' neighbour.

You regularly mistreat 'colored' patrons by giving them service with less care. Connecting with less trust and consideration, you enable customer/public service situations to escalate in intensity by removing your 'professionalism'. You reject the 'customer is always right' attitude based upon race-fuelled estimations. You cause confident 'coloured' people who raise any objections, no matter how minor, to be barred from your services as a matter of 'principle'.

You consume the most vapid of entertainment almost deliberately. Watching seasons of TV shows based around institutional corruption, Opioid crises, women in jail, corporate families, warmongering empires and adolescent sex life. Unbeknown, your culture disallows anything truly groundbreaking from becoming well known.

By proclaiming some kind of preference for 'blonde' hair and blue eyes, you represent Nazi fascist ideology - effectively, rendering their supremacist ideals as 'not so bad'. The Nazi / Aryan supremacy ideology is energised every time someone dyes their hair blonde. You see no issue with the widespread practice.

You do not claim to be a Nazi or German but you do proudly take claim to any of their ingenuity or manufacturing efforts. Europe, despite being without physical unity for centuries, is something that you identify with as a group. You literally 'identify' with a descendant of your grandmother's killer more than ex-gardener Salah Mohammed, giving them smiles, favours and preferential treatment.

'Black' corporations were historically oppressed. Standing up so strong against inclusion and diversity, you have allowed Asian and Jewish communities the ability to have closed societies within your own. These people are super happy to take from you but are unwilling to give or share with anyone but their own. You consistently use these cultural aliens' morally reprehensible attitude to support pro-segregation and racial-purity movements instead of as reactive motivation for unity.

You use the practices of more homogeneous societies to support acts of discrimination in diverse ones. You often stoop so low as to refer to extremist ideologies as validators for your beliefs. You cite the existence of alternative damaging ideologies as reasoning for the presence of other damaging ideologies as tenets of arguments.

While thinking that your countries are for your people and your people only, you look at diverse regions like the world's Hub cities and think that you are completely right to move there and take resources even if they are scarce. 

You have the nicest experience of any migrant group, able to live anywhere comfortably. Meanwhile, Nigerians are disallowed from escaping war-torn Ukraine and Italy has slum camps for African immigrants. England signed deals to send Arab migrants to Rwanda while paying taxpayers money to Ukrainians for them to come and take their places instead.

You act as though racism is not a thing that you, as a collective, have any power to resolve. In the acceptance and discussion of that perspective forms an apathy which removes any motivation to try.

You excitedly rush forth into a digital reality, neglecting countless possibilities available in the real world for something 'false'. You envision your demographic as having the characteristics of a close-to-Godly entity lording over the Earth as it appears to us. Instead, this global entity of 'caucasian globalist supremacy' which you attribute yourself to (when convenient) is more similar to an abusive partner than a benevolent deity. 

Many would argue that we had computers and washing machines in previous eras of humanity. 

You make it so that this discussion is needed. Every other demographic is focused on 'transformation' away from the model you mindlessly adore so adherently. The 'mindfulness' movement is an article in itself but the core issue is this: your 'mindfullness' is solely self-centred and personalised.

Imagine if the 'mindfulness movement' was all about thinking about strangers. Imagine if it even could be.

Imagine the saddest factor for yourself. As the demographic with the most power to be used, you hold the most responsibility for how things are. Irrespective of the waning power of modern imperialism, the world follows your lead. Your influence is the key to the salvation (no, not slav-ation) of the world.

The power lies with your people. 'White Power', if you will. 

Yet, while you can clearly see some of the advantageous differences that support its recognition, you do not believe in the power you hold. I understand that this viewpoint may be quite overwhelming or seem unrealistic - but it is pragmatic and based in factual reality. The easy way to say it is this: Currently, nobody can do what you can... and the world needs saving.

Still, you all can easily and proudly believe in 'white power' and your unfounded genetic supremacy. Are you able to conceive of the frustration that this may cause? 

Can you understand how your demographic's perceived ownership over the world in context is the exact reason why you actually are and should be held accountable? You, as an individual can actively help the world to be better. You, as a collective, hold the most influence over the world and are proudly enforcing its ruinous exploitation. You should feel bad - and the core problem is that you don't feel bad at all. Anyone could guarantee that changes would occur if you all felt bad. So, what's the hold up?

The fact is that you really are trash - just like the majority of humanity is during the majority of moments. A convulsing vermin or virus to the world and nobody else has the power to change it. I wish that you would unite and begin the fight against our overlords for the betterment of humanity. Only you can do it... And you don't. You can blame your leaders, but you follow them and lead us. Lead the Asians into a better future for all.

I had ads on this site before this post and I did the Black Girls and Wigs one. Also, Religion is a Joke (obviously, it shouldn't be).

On to picking a side, as mentioned at the start. You can't pick a side and stay there. You are either good or bad... determined by your actions at that specific time. Here, we continue to look to the future. One side with little to no choice in the matters at hand.

Thanks for literally nothing. I would be happier as a farmer. Nazis unite!!

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