Sunday, January 30, 2022

How to Stop Being Racist: Content for an Easy Lesson on Racism

If you want to remove your racism or deprogram yourself out of being a racist... It is not impossible.

In reality, every problem can be solved. The thing that most often denies their resolution is the difficulty involved in the solution. Humans and all living organisms, I suppose, are all about convenience. That is why everything is just sooooo harrdd!!

So let us watch some videos!!

Within 1 - 3 hours, if you are paying any attention, you will feel yourself lose any kind of damaging racist ideology.

Say thanks to yourself afterwards.


Jane Elliott on The Rock Newman Show

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Men's and Women's Roles are Confused

An untouched draft post from 2013, that shows that I was seeing the madness in gender politics even back then.

I mean to say Male and Female roles aswell,
If we are the same, why aren't we..