Saturday, December 19, 2020

If Men Are Dogs, Then Women Are Cats

 So, I think I finally understand the fundamental psycho-social difference between men and women.


Women won’t like it because it renders them as more negative than men. Which is completely true.


Negativity can be so all-encompassing that it somehow negates itself. As in, someone is so negative that they cannot acknowledge their negativity, because that would be being positive about something. The worst woman you have ever met is actually extremely nice to some people and would never admit to any of their wrongdoings. Whereas, the worst man you have ever met is horrible to everyone.

In society, at least regarding strangers interacting with eachother (common interactions), it is always bad to see a man being horrible to a woman irrespective of the cause - but when a woman is horrible to a man it is always perceived as due to the man being wrong. We say that is always absolutely fine and, in subtext, that accountability for a subject's (person's) reception of treatment only ever falls on the males in the equation.


Lost you already? Good sheepie!!


Bringing you back. Dogs and Cats. When asked, most people like dogs lots – and most people don’t like cats much outside of a screen. So if the gender templates could be applied to either stereotype of cats or dogs, which would be which?


Lets have a little breakdown of these ‘stereotypes’. Stereotypes actually are accurate when referring to dogs and cats and frogs and bats but not humans – because we typically have much more complex existences than they do. So, providing only partially accurate prejudice, stereotypes are stupid… for humans.


Dogs are typically:

Needy, Loyal, Focused, Caring, Playful, Teachable, Brave, Companions, Protective, Loud for good reason. - GOOD

Simplistic, Dirty, Smelly, Messy, Ugly. - BAD


Cats are typically:

Disloyal, Manipulative, Messy, Ruinous, Careless, Curious, Scared, Defensive, Unteachable, Loud for little reason. - BAD

Cute, Small, Soft, Warm. - GOOD


Do you disagree with my stereotypes for cats and dogs to the point where what I have said is completely wrong? You bet I doubt it.


So, which description seems more like men and which one is more like women?


Cats = Women. Men = Dogs.


However, there is something else; the factor of independence. For this comparison to be more accurate, we must consider the independence factor and then just reverse it. Not everything can be so easy after all.


In real life, cats are known to be more independent than dogs are. When a dog is alone in a city or rural area, it may be expected to die soon. Cats, however, are known to be independent. Even if domesticated, cats can live comfortably without their help from their owners. How many cats do you see just left outside to look after themselves? A lot more than dogs.


So, women are like cats minus the affinity for independence and men are like dogs except with the independence that cats show included.


If you’re a smartass, I could stop here. But I know that most people are as simple-minded as cats and dogs. So that last point will serve as mud in the water for too many.


Of course, this independence factor can be explained with consideration of the gender-specific affinity for physical strength. Women’s comparatively heightened vulnerability in our reality increases their aversion to literal-actual logistical and personal independence. Then you consider the manifestations of that realisation in society, such as women-focused government assistance, familial dictatorships and chivalry.


Women practically have no choice but to be subconsciously against independence. One might fairly say that “women are predisposed to be against independence”. One might even go further and fairly say that ‘women need some kind of company to be able to value themselves’. A little less indisputable, I admit.


If I am to give birth, how am I going to pay the bills alone?

If I am to be successful, how can I do that alone?

If I am to be safe, who will look after me?

If I have no friends, how will I know what to think like?


Of course, there are some traits that are shared; some things that are just normal for both. We are all messy in our own ways. Some more so than others, but all of us nonetheless. Also, we can all sometimes be playful. We’re all human after all so, even if we are taught to believe otherwise, we all have more in common than not. Still, women show more in common with cats than dogs… and ‘men are dogs’.


In reality, we can all show off all of those described traits at some times. But not all of us are okay with doing that at all times. The distinction is effectively what defines ‘class’ - something that is also not all good or bad. It is undeniable that both genders have classless members.


However, unlike with men (and as with my initial points on interactions with strangers), these bad traits of cats are condoned and actually promoted to women – at least, in the West. I’m basically referring to what feminism is but shouldn’t be. I am a feminist, so I know… and, somehow, you instantly knew what I meant.


Some women think they are feminist, but really they just hate men, themselves and most other women. A real feminist is all about equality, compassion and healthy relationships. Not lesbianism, man-hating, victimisation and family-breaking.


Must I remind you: Most people are about as simple as cats and dogs.


Men are effectively the counterweight to whatever women do. If they are beautiful, we try harder to look good. If she is poor, we comfortably work to provide. If she is in danger, we risk our freedom to protect. If they stink, we buy them perfume.


Its a woman’s world, because men do everything for the betterment of their families, of which the women are the main focus. We do all the work, or at least we should, but what do we do it for? Women.


Dogs ‘work’ for their owners. Cats debatably own their ‘owners’. Men ‘work’ for their women. Debatably, women ‘own’ their men.


I’m done. No point beating a dead whore.

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