Monday, September 30, 2013

How To Listen To A Stutterer (Solved)


Understand that speaking with a stammerer isn’t ever likely to be a normal conversation. The person that you speak with doesn’t converse or think of talking in the same way as a fluent talker.

Many stutterers switch the word they are thinking of with a phonetically easier but less appropriate one, diluting each statement, which can create reasons for more fumbled assertions and the accompanying anxiety.

Extra strenuous comprehension is asked for. The stammerer’s sentences are fragmented, elongated so logically they require extra effort to keep up with and comprehend. Someone with a stammer might try to compress their statements, rendering them enigmatic with true meanings unclear, therefore interpretation and attempted understanding is always required.  

Try not to cut them off. A stutterer is frustrated speaking to begin with so if a point cannot be expressed when given, warranting a reluctant repeat of the statement, he or she will only become more upset and aggravated. I need not explain how and why a stutterer seldom wins arguments and that most try to avoid them. A stammerer find his or her own voice annoying, doubts its comprehensiveness and often feels apologetic for making the listener endure their noise, therefore there is heightened apprehension in the speaking stutterer that might be allowed to provoke a hastened cop-out into silence.

When a repeat of the statement typically won’t occur, to interject is to mark irrelevant.

The less someone speaks, the worse they will speak; if you want to help someone to speak better, allow them the room to exercise. Practice always makes improvement. Be attentive and understanding.

Don’t complete their sentences. Practice helps a stammerer with their speech and interrupting stops them from practicing. Only in special, time-critical scenarios should you interrupt a stutterer that you want to help.

“Ex…plosive...poo….right up…..your….wall” (each possible interjection would lose the point of the statement). To vocally try and predict the thoughts of someone you don't know intimately is downright rude and often futile, even more so with a stammerer. A slow conversation can be made even slower by trying to vocally predict the speaker’s next word.

A stutterer is hard to listen to so you must try, try to… remember where the sentence started.

Exercise your best “active listening” if you want to help or work well with someone who stutters.

Good Luck..

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